Thursday, March 13, 2014

Last Day of Work!

Last Day of Work Field Report:

--> Blue Team

Today was the last official day working on the work sight. It was a bittersweet experience. We were all excited about finishing our project, but we also realized it was our last day on the reservation. Today was a great day to finish up everything we started and it was super fun too! We completed the lattice around both porches, and water sealed the floor boarding of the porch. It was so rewarding seeing how thankful Mr. & Mrs. Sandoval were. It was a great day, and a good way to end our mission trip (: 
Red Team
Since we finished our main work site yesterday, Red Team mostly hung out around the Basecamp. Our tasks were to clean out and organize the tool and supply sheds located onsite. After several hours of hard, dirty work, the sheds were and are still organized to the “T”! All of the garbage was taken by Mr. Hanagarne and a small team of individuals to the Landfill Transfer Station. Now there are two clean shed and many content workers! Thankfully, everybody walked away from their last full day in Shiprock without injury. Both work sites are complete and the team is ready to finally slow down.

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