Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day Two on Worksites

Report from the worksites:

Red Group:
Today was an eventful day at Mr. Gilbert's house. Weinsulated the WHOLE back room. This was a very hard task with dealing with thefiber glass, and also measuring to fit it in the places. We also started drywalling the ceiling and we had to use screw guns. We also had to move a giantrock from Mr. Gilbert's back yard to his front yard. It took 4 people to liftthe rock because it was so dang heavy. Ihad a lot of fun talking to Mr. Gilbert and especially loved when he taught ussome Navajo words!
- Lucy Ragsdale

Blue Group:
Down at the Sandoval's home, half of the group got the baseof the awning up so all that’s left is to finish the roof. We might even finish tomorrow! The other part of the group finished paintingin Kennith's home (with a few issues involving the wrong paint color) but we areexcited about what the next 2 days have to bring!
- MK Warren
White Group:
Today the white group was at the Ojo Amarillo Church with Mr. H. Wetook on the fun tasks of scraping the fence and shed to prepare them for paint,and pulled up many of the weeds around the shed and church. We successfullyfinished both of these jobs before lunch and had the privilege to spend therest of the day painting the shed, part of the church, and sealing the fence.The day as a whole was surprisingly relaxing and pleasurable if it wasn’t forthe intense heat we experienced in the late afternoon. But all in all thehighlight of the day had to be talking with Mr. H during lunch, and getting quizzedby him on pop artists and songs, as well as hearing about his high school trackcareer.
- Macy Matthews

(Includes a few old pics from yesterday...)

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