Prancing Kitty Cats- Mr.Lee, Bonita, Meacham, Melissa, Bo, Mason, Evian, Bk(BJ)
Today we went to an old women’s house and heard her life story that none of us will ever forget. She has been through a lot!!!! She lost her husband one year and three months ago, got in a terrible car accident that did enough damage to her for a lifetime. Her nose was cut off, her scalp was torn off, and on top of all that she broke several bones. Just recently she fell and broke her hip and femur. So basically all of the things that involve walking that she needed help with, we had to do. We cleaned the yard, front porch, side porch, and back porch, and a large tree that has fallen and is in the way. We all learned from Bonnie that no matter what life brings you, it happens for a reason. She said “God will never give you anything that you cant handle”. Through all of the things she has been through she never once has questioned her faith. We are looking forward to going back tomorrow for another busy but rewarding day. –Meacham
The Piggly Wiggly Little Tracey Speedy Sledgers- Rachel(Ray-Town), Alison(B-Girl Allie), Jack, Timmy, Mr.Meacham(el jefe), Darryl Smith(Big D), Katie(KP-Money Bags), Samantha, Brayden(Bray-Bray), Patty.
Today we got a new project with an old lady up on the side of the mountain. She had about an acre of land with lots of trees and she wanted us to rake the whole thing! We were also supposed to fix her porch, fix her roof, pick weeds, clean up trash, put the leaves in the compost piles, and help her friend a mile down the road; it was a very busy day! To make things even better it was freezing cold and raining! We spent most of the day raking endlessly and picking up cold wet things, which made our gloves cold and wet which made our hands cold and wet. Big D was not able to help because of his near amputated finger courtesy of Jack. Although Big D did allow Jack to use a power saw…it was an intense moment. To pass the time Rachel, Alison, Brayden, and KP made up a chant that goes “I don’t know what I’ve been told, we’re outside and we’re really cold. I don’t but it’s been said, raking leaves hurts my head, bring it back down now, 4---3---2---1, 4,3---2,1 huh!” It also helped the whole group by chanting “left, left, left, right, left!” Overall it was a really busy and cold day! Oh ya! I almost forgot to mention we all received a book about how most all music was the work of the devil…including the Beatles and Christian rock. We will be adding this to the church library if you would like to check it out!
Today, we finished removing the mountain of trash from the house with the basement. John and Jonny rode with Jay up the mountain twice in a rickety 93 Ford F-150 to unload the trailer full of trash. We had a great time when Jay went 75 up a steep mountain road that was missing side rails. Unloading the trailer was a little hectic because our past loads had already filled up two of the three dumpsters. We ended up filling the up the compactor and the remaining dumpster. On our last trip up the mountain, Jonny and John dumpster dived in order to finish the job. Afterwards, we got ice- cream cones and three bags of chips.
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