Piggly Wiggly Little Tracey Speedy Sledgers: Mr. Meacham, Mr. Smith, Megan Patterson, Rachel Smith, Alison Marsh, Jack Eidson, Brayden Adams, Katie Peisen, Timmy Clark, Samantha Wintermute
Today, after turning around a couple million times, we finally arrived at a new home. Ms. Mae, the sweetest 96-year-old lady we have ever met, is recovering from a stroke and needed some help with her yard and wheelchair ramp. We jumped right into our work. While tearing down the wheelchair ramp, Timmy slipped back and landed on a rusty nail, which then proceeded to impale his buttock. We finally found a use for our first aid kits. During all this excitement, half the group was raking leaves, as usual. During lunch, we had a lovely conversation about “free range chickens” in which Mr. Meacham declared that such things do not actually exist (much to Timmy’s dismay). Mr. Meacham and Patty spent most of the afternoon “working” on the swing set (had to make sure it was safe for swinging, you know), while the rest of us continued to rake or tear down the ramp. We kind of hit a wall after lunch so Patty bet Rachel, Alison, Jack, and KP (now known as the Almighty Sing-Along Tarpers) that they couldn’t finish raking the leaves and running them across the road in 5 minutes. I am happy to report that we finished in 4 minutes and 40 seconds and, consequently, received king-sized Reese’s from our favorite Tennessee store, Piggly Wiggly. We finally completed our tasks and went inside to bid Ms. Mae farewell. Although we had only known her for one day, she gave each of us a hug, despite her physical condition, and told us how much she loved us and appreciated our work. I have never been so touched. After another exciting, eventful day in the lovely mountains of Tennessee, we arrived back at Mountain T.O.P., exhausted and yet inspired by our experiences. Though we are all ready to get home, I think everyone would agree that we enjoyed our time here and will return home with great memories, touching stories, and lots of inside jokes.
Written by: Alison
I have had such a great time this week! Today was one of the best days of work. We deconstructed a ramp (apparently, our group was assigned deconstruction with very little construction. I think there’s something biblical about that). I did have a scare when I landed on that nail today, but my spirits were lifted after hugging Ms.Mae and her saying, “I love you,” to each one of us. I know all of us were inspired to love one another and all of God’s children much more openly than before. Thanks to all of the parents and families who supported this trip.
Trick Daddy green grass donkeys that ride tractors
Paul M., Jacob Thomas, John Meacham, Jonny Lee, Tyler, Abbi, Abigal, Nick
Today was a wonderful day, with blue skies, sunshine, and not in a moldy basement for the third day in a row. Today we built a chicken coop that was the greatest thing ever. We had worked for a man that was in the Korean War and then retired and settled down in a small house. We started of putting up chicken wire around t in the half finished coop, then Jonny, John an Abbey got to use the power tools!!!! We cut some wood and the screwed the boards in completing the job at noon. Then we headed back to camp and got a new job fixing a slight problem from Floral Heights had while setting up some wood. We took it down and fixed it in about two hours. So all in all the day was good.
*Read Note at bottom of page before starting below paragraphs
Chapter I
It was a long and arduous day. The receding mist was like the steam from a finished shower, fading quickly. The sun arose from the sky like the headlights of a car at night, slowly coming into view. The grass was tall like trees, intertwined with vines and other shrubbery. The cool air was like a refreshing drink of water, cold and persistent. Evan’s metaphors are like the endless piles of trash found in a basement, never ceasing.
Anyways, we got to work around 10 or 11, with the intent of conquering a tree larger than BKs large-headed perception on the effectiveness of his own jokes. After a while of sawing several limbs off, we moved to the body (I am referring to the tree of course.), and took a quick lunch break. We then came back shortly after (I have 5 minutes and 20 seconds left to write this blog. Thanks Patty) with a chainsaw and made a lot better progress. I like pancakes. Shortly after the chainsaw started to do work, it got flooded with failsauce and stopped working. Day of work over.
After that we went to GREETA FALLS and well, saw GREETA FALLS.
And they lived happily ever after.
Written by: Evan Scallan
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