Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day Three on Worksites

Report from the worksites:


White group:

Today was a very eventful day in our group. We successfullygot most of the first coat of paint onto the building we have been working on.Claire spent the entire day painting the underside of the roof, Macy stayed ina very tall ladder all day, and we added more tumble weed to our huge pile (thetumble weed is unlimited). We mostly did painting; tiring, labor intensive,painting on ladders under the sun. All of that being said it’s amazing how muchwe got done! We’re excited to finish up painting and VERY excited to burn ourpile of tumble weed tomorrow! Most exciting part of the day was getting our vanstuck in the sand as we were (finally) leaving our worksite at the end of theday. After about 2 and a half hours of digging, finally giving up, and lots ofbonding; reinforcements showed up and the excitement was over. Overall a greatday!!

- Kendall York


Red Group:

Today was a very exciting day! We worked at Mr. Gilbert’s house and hungcopious amounts of drywall on all of the ceilings, walls, and windows andfinished putting in all of the insulation in the rooms. The whole group had a great time learning howto use the various power tools, as well as learning how to properly cut andhang drywall and insulation.

- Cole McKenzie



Blue group! Wahoo!!

For the blue group at Mr. Sandoval's house today wasshocking, literally! We started off by finishing the end rafters for our awningover the porch! We could have had time to do it yesterday but we were lackingthe correct supplies to keep the end rafters sturdy and in place so we wereleft stuck at a halt. Once we finished the end rafters today it was time toplace the wood boards on top of the rafters to create the base roof of theawning. Adding the wooden boards requires a lot of measurements which for amath brain like mine was like a fun puzzle to put all the boards in place. Thecorrect measurements were hard to find so that we could leave the awningsubstantial to last a life time for the Sandoval's. We had a lot of time sittingon the roof as we were drilling the boards in place and with certain parts nothaving boards on them yet it left a fun jungle gym of fun to hang on for awhile until the next board was needed. I can personally say that I have neverchilled on a roof before so today I did something new! Once we got the wholeawning covered in the wood layer we had to wait on Mr. Frank to head back tothe dorms to pick up the tarp that will protect the awning roof until the metalroofing comes in this summer. While we waited on Mr. Frank to pick up the roll-ontarp we got to have a nice hour nap on the roof in the sun and apparentlypeople were tossing things at me while I was asleep so I must have been prettypooped. The most challenging part of being on the roof was dodging theelectrical wire which I hit many times to get a little zap, it was veryshocking (pun intended). As soon as Mr. Frank got back, our nap was over and itwas time to put on the roll-on tarp. We were able to do two layers with a grandtotal of 47 nails used just on the tarp and 309 screws to screw in the wood(these are actual numbers I most definitely counted them all). Overall todaywas a very successful day and we are all awaiting tomorrow in finishing thetarp and prime painting the whole thing. We are all in hopes that it meetsMr.Sandoval’s needs and that he will be happy with it!

- Sidney Weidenbach



















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