The pffft “touché”ers
Written by: Tracie Shippy and Emily Green
So today was our last workday at our beach not so much disaster house and we finished dry walling the bathroom and garageness! Yay! Everything is up, screwed, and basically puttied. We even had fun carving messages into small extra pieces of dry wall and passing them to each other. One problem we did encounter though was the swarms of random biting flies and mean bees. John Meacham, fearless and with no emotion, took the life of a waiting allergic reaction and swatted it with a piece of dry wall! And down the bee tumbled, while Mitchell just attempted to swat Emily. Another was we were not allowed to use our sites toilet. When asked to use it, we received this brain twister… “No. My son’s parents are up there.” Yes, interesting. So the girls went to the Valero gas station and brought back yummy drinks! Yay! Bonita decided to be the Timmy Clark of our trip and eat all of Tracie’s popcorn… but she bought her a whole new bag. After running low on supplies we all used minimum for a maximum effect. The day was quite great until we got back to the bus after a fabulous Wally World trip, of course stopping to look at albums of some artists such as Michael Jackson, Jonas Brothers, and Mandy Moore, when we found out the terrible news. Michael Jackson, the thriller of our lives, has decresendoed from this musical world. ☹
Our world of missioning is complete. Now it’s Schlitterbahn time!!! ☺ (Yes parentals, we will wear foil and oil and come back with skin cancer…okay fine. Lots of sunscreen. Love you <3)
Thursday June 25, 2009
Today was the best day ever. The End.
Just kidddinggggg!
“I bet the other group will enjoy another day of air conditioning and naps”. WELL, IN YOUR FACE. The wookies walked into their crooked house early in the morn and discovered a cardboard box, and soon found their new best friend, Wilbur, the air conditioning unit thingy. We literally screamed when we first laid eyes upon the beautiful creature and looked forward to our last day of working. During lunch at the church, Mr. Cariker thought of the lovely idea of CHICKEN in addition to our chips and sandwiches. Yum. Yet while we are eating a peaceful chickeny lunch, a friendly man walks outside towards us and says, “You guys have been working hard, you deserve some brownies”. Moments later, we also received large boxes of muffins and danishes. Another yum. This day was awesomely amazingly great. We also got to see kids get attacked by sea gulls. Meacham was pleased to see the children come close to death. When we got back to work, Jack, Emily, and Diana were puttying in the front room when the creeper Evan came up and screamed to scare us. Jack suddenly jumped ten feet in the air and landed on the floor while all of us (including him) epically laughed at him. By the way, we actually found out that we had electricity the entire week, but only one outlet which were wires sticking out of the wall. We plugged in Patty’s phone to dance and sing while working and were going to make an amazing music video, which never actually happened. To entertain us during the day, we decided what Friends character and celebrity each person would be. Now Evan would like to add something, most likely being something quite ethnic and or about babies or vampires. Goodbye.
By Diana Blom and Emily Cariker
Redubbed in ye old English:
Today, we arose to find that thine Holy Eastier Wookie hath presented us with a holy relic which hath the power to cool thine blazing sun dubbed Sir Wilbur of Trane.. Soon after sunrise, we hadth begun to begin constructing the walls to the fortress in which we had thine pleasure to work in for thy week. By lunch, we hadth completed our holy tasks presented to us by Mel Gibson himself and proceeded to partake of thine Holy fried Chicken looted from the Crusade of Popeyes of 141 A.D. in which the merciless batter hadth tenderized thine crisp white meat till its surrender 2 weeks later. Production hadth increased after this holy feast, until Jack hath fainted and wet thine pants after being terrorized by the Ghost of the Duke of Heath, Evan Scallan XIVVIIXIVIXXXIVVIIII. Thine day ended with thine spirits up; saying fare ye well to our beloved friend of the cold, Sir Wilbur. The day ended with worship and competition blazed like thine intensity of a thousand suns in our daring conquest of thine colony of Puerto Rico. May God bless our trip and may our Tobacco and Indigo crops be aplenty.
Fare ye well,
Sir Evan Scallan, XIVVIIXIVIXXXIVVIIII Great Duke of Heath.
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