Writing: Sarah Meacham
Group #1:As the “bumble bees” went to work we looked forward to a long and rewarding day. Sarah Meacham chain sawed better than all the boys in her group (even though the boys won’t admit it). We looked forward to seeing the couples big smiles and to the tea and lemonade Beverly made us. It was a very rewarding day. We cleaned out brush and cleaned a creek so that the water would be able to flow through it. Although we got tired and hot we still worked to our full potential. We also had so much fun. We joked, laughed, and most of all got DIRTY. Without Rob Sherwin we would not have been able to do a lot of the things we did. He knew how to do everything, from making a sandwich to putting a chain on a chain saw. After all of this work we all made boats and raced them down the creek.
Group #2: Travis and the James Gang
Writing: Travis Cole Ragsdale
We arrived at our work site at 10:30, very first thing that we did was move giant rocks out of a massive garden. This enabled us to lay down plastic that we could put a layer of gravel over so that no weeds or field mice would get too close to the house. After we laid the gravel we took every rock and piled it into a colossal pile. Once we finished that it was 1:30, we had nothing else to do. So with our free time Mr. Chad Meacham drove us to a waterfall that was surprising in many ways. We parked at the so called “waterfall area” with no waterfall in sight. So negative me realizing that we had to walk half a mile to see the fall decided that it wasn’t going to be worth it, and dreaded the walk. The end of the hike, however, had the most beautiful secluded haven that I have ever seen, and a towering 60 foot waterfall. It was out in this beautiful area that I realized that I’m not here for me, I’m here to do gods work and spread his word. Its funny how Gods creation can be so inspiring and cause you to consider other people than yourself.
Group #3: The “Socca” Moms (formerly known as the Carnivorous Squirrels)
After kind of a slow start yesterday, we were all afraid that we might not finish the roof. We got to the worksite greeted Mr Campbell and started working full steam ahead. We had to take down a thirty foot TV antenna that was in the way of our roof( it was a lot of fun) We cut and measured ( wait it was the other way around) the seven rafters only to find that Mr Campbell wanted all the rafters the other way around( we were mad) ( we kept a smile), so we cut and measured and hung the rafters again. We ripped 6 boards to make the 12 lathes for the roof)( with a rusty table saw). After a minor measurement freakout ,( very minor) we hung the lathes at lighting speed. For a break we played with Mr Campbell’s toys ( a huge sword lots of gargoyles squirrels frogs and lots of statuettes) ( yes I have pictures) ( yes I will show you) With Moral support from the girls the three guys( Zach jack BK) spent 2.5-3 hours hanging tin ( Yeah it was fun) ( yeah it was hard) ( Yeah I hate tin) ( yeah My knees hurt) We finished( finally) and got to talk to the awesome couple who owned the house. He told us about sseptic tanks(don’t ask) and haunted cars ( again, don’t ask) Even though we got home an hour and a half later ( I know what your thinking, we made it to dinner on time) We had an AWESOME( notice the capital letters) day!
By: Jack Jack Eidson
Group #4: The Fighting Llamas
So we woke up and took a shower and on the bus matt and i fell asleep as we arrived at the work site the dogs barked rapidly. Today we were finishing our porch and roof. Were on a 6 story high building as we questioned the sturdiness of our structure while we climbed to the top and we hammered the boards and as our thumbs were destroyed and our bones were cracked we pulled out the skill saw, we put the blade on backwards and cut the tin. There were many dogs that had rabies we found a dog with no eye and we peeked through the eye socket and the brains explodes with the power of Jesus-by fletch fletch
…In Fletcher’s World….This is what really happened….
After Mrs. Blom had a brief stay at the local medical clinic for her spider bite (???), we were able to start the roof of our porch project. The weather was magnificent, and we were ready to go! With a prayer and a blessing with the homeowner, and some minor adjustment’s to the building plans, we were able to complete our project on a high note (the roof). Mr. Lee covered up all of our defects, as we said all day “tin covers a multitude of sins.” We were speaking with our homeowner, who informed us that her 18 month old, Kaylee (you can see her picture on this blog post), has a medical condition angelman syndrome. There will be a walk-a-thon to raise money for children with this condition on May 16th in the DFW area. We would like to sponsor a group to walk in her honor. We blessed our new porch and the family within. With sadness, we said our goodbyes, and returned to camp. We then had an AWESOME camp meal and worship time! More to come tomorrow!
By: Mrs. Blom and Mr. Lee